
所有的年代tudents who have previously studied a modern or classical 语言 are strongly encouraged to take the 语言 placement evaluation to find where to begin their 语言 study.

Three semesters of 语言 study are 要求 for all Bachelor of Arts degrees. 虽然不是 要求 for a Bachelor of Science, a second 语言 greatly strengthens a wide range of B.S. 传媒、刑事司法、电影专业 & 视频中,热情好客 & 旅游管理, 多媒体新闻, 健康的职业, 社会工作, 语言语音病理学, 和其他人.



英航程序: 是的. 大峡谷大学要求第三学期 proficiency (completion of the 201-level) in a modern or classical 所有文学学士学位的语言. 几个程序,如 International Relations and International Business have additional 语言要求. 

b计划: NO,但学生仍应参加实习 evaluation just in case they change their mind later. 所有 学生们,不管他们选择的专业是什么 future plans--benefit from the study of world 语言s and cultures. 例如:

  • 的y can use 202 语言 课程s to fulfill the Global 方面的要求.
  • Languages and cultures are a valuable skill in all sectors of employment.
  • Studying a 语言 other than one’s own is an integral part of a 博雅教育. 
  • Language learning equips students to actively engage with another culture on its own terms, promoting better informed global citizens.
  • 的y might later discover that a 语言 is 要求 in a 研究生项目.

Placing into a 语言 proficiency level through the 语言 placement evaluation does not grant you credit in the corresponding 课程. So, for instance, placing into the SPA 102 proficiency level does not grant you credit for SPA 101, but it does allow you to enroll in 课程s that have SPA 101 as a prerequisite.

If you place into the 101-level of a 语言, but you have previous experience with learning the 语言, you may register for the 150级没有班级许可. 设计了150个级别的课程 for students who have studied a 语言 before (a year or two of high 学校水平课程或同等学历). 它回顾了101的材料 课程 and then covers the material of a 102 课程.

After the 150 课程, you can take a 201 level class, which means that you can move more quickly to complete your B.A. 语言 要求 or to advance to higher 水平 of 语言 proficiency. 这样就节省了一门4学分的课!

If you have questions about your AP 语言 score and credit 相等, 你可以找到答案 更多信息请访问GVSU的考试学分页面


如果你正在攻读学士学位或文学学位(B.A.),答案是 is 是的. 所有本科或文科专业都要求语言 proficiency through at least the 201-level with a few majors that require 语言 proficiency through the 202-level. 如果你是 攻读工商管理学士学位.B.A.) in International Business, you are 要求 to have a 语言 minor (请与您的客户讨论该要求 塞德曼顾问).

请注意:  为了有资格参加 Bachelor of Arts world 语言 能力要求 waiver, you 必须乘坐 公寓的考试 通过101 102和201 水平. 语文分班评估 (placement test) cannot be taken for the purpose of fulfilling the BA world 语言 能力要求. 有关FLATS考试的更多信息, 请 请参阅本文档.

Once you start your 语言 sequence, you cannot take the 语言安置评估 to try to place higher and skip 水平. 如果你是 unsure about your placement, 请 talk to your 语言 professor or professional academic advisor right away. 

If you have questions about the BA world 语言 proficiency 要求, 请 contact the 现代语言文学 电话:331-3203或 (电子邮件保护)

大峡谷州立大学 teaches 9 modern and classical 每种语言都满足B.A. 语言要求.

部门 现代语言文学 教授: 阿拉伯语, Chinese, 法国, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish

部门 经典 教授: 古希腊语和拉丁语

欲知更多有关 each of the 语言s, visit the 外国 语言学习 网页. 

大多数学生只能拿到B.A. 语言要求通过三门课程 语言班学期数:101-102-201. 不学一门语言 placement evaluation, students may only enroll in 101 or 150. 法国 and Spanish offer a 150 class, which is an accelerated 课程 intended for students with some prior 语言 who still need some review. It includes the material from both 101 and 102 in an accelerated format, and qualifies students to continue on to 201 after only one semester 的研究.

We typically think of one year of high school 语言 study as representing the equivalent of one semester of 语言 study at the university level, so students who have studied for a year should be 能够通过102课程的考试. 然而,在实践中,有一个伟大的 deal of variation in ability between students who have taken the same 语言量. 的 语言 evaluation helps us place students in the level most appropriate for their individual ability.

语言资源中心 is open for in-person placement evaluations, or the placement 评估可以在网上进行.

申请GVSU世界语言课程 评价. In this form, you will be asked to enter some basic information as well as answer a few quick questions about your 以前的语言经验. 在您提交您的信息后,您 will receive an email within two business days either giving you an individualized link for the online placement evaluation or, if an online evaluation is not available for your chosen 语言, 帮你联系语言顾问.

请到 语言资源中心 在 正常工作时间.

请注意:  为了有资格参加 Bachelor of Arts Language 要求豁免,你必须采取 公寓的考试 并通过 101 102和201级. 语文分班评估 (placement test) cannot be taken for the purpose of fulfilling the 学士世界语言能力要求. 欲知更多有关 请给我FLATS的试卷 请参阅本文档.

If you have questions about the 要求, 请 contact the 现代语言文学 电话:331-3203或 (电子邮件保护).


的 FLATS Exam is available in 52 语言s, and can be used to 完成B项.A. 要求. 作为GVSU,参加该课程是免费的 涵盖学生的费用. 欲了解更多有关 请做FLATS考试 请参阅本文档.


如果你要求进行安置评估, 请 check your email's spam folder in case it has been redirected by your email filters. 

If you have any questions, 请 contact the 语言资源中心 Help Desk at (电子邮件保护).
